Earth and World Map

March 23
Noon to 1:15 p.m.
SMC Campus Center, Elm Room B

You are invited to a lunchtime discussion to learn more about UMB’s GLOBALtimore Fellowship Program. Selected fellows from the inaugural class will share their projects, and GLOBALtimore program directors will describe how to apply for the 2020-21 program that starts July 1. Applications will open April 1.

All UMB faculty are eligible to take their interest in curricular internationalization to the next level by integrating learning about global education and integrating global concepts into new or existing courses. Faculty who have never incorporated global or comparative concepts are especially encouraged to apply.

The program consists of workshops, support stipends, and membership in a learning community of faculty from across UMB’s professional and graduate schools. The seven selected fellows will be awarded a stipend of $2,000. For more information, go to last year's GLOBALtimore Fellowship Program webpage for an idea of what the program entails, and read about last year’s fellows and their projects.

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