Be Like the Dean and KN95 Mask Up!
September 10, 2021

Dean Kirschling reminds you that the University of Maryland, Baltimore’s Policy Requiring Use of Face Coverings has been updated regarding KN95 masks.
- KN95s are the only permitted face covering for unvaccinated faculty, staff, and students – whether they have a valid exemption or not. As such, starting Sept. 15, unvaccinated employees and students must wear a KN95.
- At some point in the near future, KN95s will be required for fully vaccinated students, faculty, and staff when participating in classroom and training activities.
- Starting immediately, KN95s are strongly recommended for fully vaccinated students, faculty, and staff when participating in group activities where 6 feet of physical distance cannot be maintained or more than five people are present.
Bandanas, gaiters, scarves, and masks with valves are not approved face coverings at UMB.