Photo of Robert Karrs

“As someone who lives and works in the city, I understand how beneficial a major University like UMB can be to neighborhoods and to the people who live in them.

“The great number and variety of different activities that the seven professional schools undertake have a significant impact here, in the state, and around the world. Giving in any amount, through both the Proud to Work Here, Proud to Give Here and Maryland Charity campaigns, is an easy way to amplify that important work.”

— Robert Karrs, director of finance, School of Pharmacy

UMB’s Proud to Work Here, Proud to Give Here campaign is a Universitywide awareness and fundraising effort that invites faculty and staff to show their pride with a one-time, recurring, or payroll deduction gift to the UMB school, scholarship, program, fund, or cause that matters most to them.

Make your gift today.



Students, faculty, and staff, let your voice be heard!
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