The University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) has partnered with Safe Colleges to provide Primary Prevention and Education on:

  • Title IX
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Discrimination
  • Diversity and Inclusion  

The Title IX training is an online program designed to increase awareness and educate about the prevention of sexual harassment and discrimination, including sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking. This training has been updated to reflect the Final Rule, effective Aug. 14, 2020. 

As state of Maryland employees, we are required to complete two (2) hours of training on sexual harassment over the course of two (2) years.  For those who have not previously completed sexual harassment training, you will be assigned two (2) modules that address policy and procedures and staff-to-staff harassment.  If you have completed the sexual harassment training offered during fall 2019, you will be required to take only the staff-to-staff module.

The harassment training provides critical information on the varied types of discrimination that can occur to help our community identify and prevent discriminatory behaviors to build a more respectful and positive working, and learning, environment.  

Diversity and inclusion training benefits our community. This module promotes common understanding of diversity and inclusion, as well as strategies to increase awareness and promote an inclusive environment.    

These trainings must be completed by Oct. 15, 2020.  

Title IX training, by its nature, addresses issues of sexual harassment, misconduct, and violence. If you have concerns regarding the content of the Title IX training, please contact Mary MacFadden, UMB's Title IX coordinator, at 410-706-4938 or

UMB provides resources for those who have been impacted by sexual misconduct, which can be found at

The trainings will be assigned through UMB’s Learning Management System and can be found in your Required Training. You can access the LMS through the Title IX Training page or directly on the LMS page.

If you know or suspect a member of the UMB community has experienced, or has perpetrated, sexual misconduct, including harassment, assault, stalking, or other sexual violence, that violates UMB policy, please use the UMB Hotline (866-594-5220) to report the incident(s). If you are experiencing an emergency, call 911.

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