Employee Testimonial: Why I Am Proud to Work Here, Proud to Give Here
June 02, 2021

“Last year, as we came to terms with the realities of the COVID-19 pandemic, we put out a call for help to the School of Social Work community to support the Student Emergency Fund. I was so humbled to see the extraordinary outpouring of support from our alumni, donors, friends, and employees to assist students in need. I’m proud to be part of this community and to support the school’s initiatives.”
— Isabelle Garcia, annual giving officer, School of Social Work
UMB’s Proud to Work Here, Proud to Give Here campaign is a Universitywide awareness and fundraising effort that invites faculty and staff to show their pride with a one-time, recurring, or payroll deduction gift to the UMB school, scholarship, program, fund, or cause that matters most to them.
Make your gift today.