July 22-26: JuliaCon 2019 at UMB
July 16, 2019

JuliaCon is the biggest Julia conference of the year, bringing together speakers, developers, and enthusiasts from all over the world for five days packed with keynotes, talks, and workshops.
Julia Computing was founded in July 2015 by the four creators of the Julia programming language (Viral Shah, Alan Edelman, Jeff Bezanson, and Stefan Karpinski), Deepak Vinchhi, and Keno Fischer. Julia Computing’s mission is to develop products that make Julia easy to use, easy to deploy, and easy to scale.
Sponsors for the event include:
- Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
- Conning
- Google
- Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
- Intel
- Invenia
- Jeffrey Sarnoff
- JP Morgan
- Julia Computing
- relationalAI
- University of Maryland School of Pharmacy's Center for Translational Medicine
- Zapata
- Zetta
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