Nov. 4: Lunch and Learn Event by Addictions Nursing Special Interest Group
September 29, 2021

Addictions Nursing Special Interest Group (SIG)
The Lord Baltimore Hotel — the Triage, Respite, and Isolation (TRI) Center
Guest Speaker: Marik Moen, PhD, MPH, RN
Thursday, Nov. 4 from 12 p.m.–12:30 p.m.
Ever wonder …
What the role of the Lord Baltimore Hotel has been during the COVID-19 pandemic?
How the Lord Baltimore TRI Center manages substance use and harm reduction?
What the past, present, and future of the TRI center look like?
Come and join us to find out!
Register here.
Password: lunchandlearn
Information: TJ Park, BSN, RN, PMH-BC, CARN
DNP-PMHNP Graduate Student ‘23