Templates for midterm warning letters are posted on the Intranet at Departments & Offices/Office of the Academic Deans/Templates. Please customize as is necessary, to include the statement: In light of COVID-19, UMSON has extended the drop/withdrawal without academic penalty (grades of WP or WF) deadline from April 3rd to April 27th for Spring 2020 courses. 

Effective summer 2020, students will no longer receive Midterm warning letters. Course directors should work with faculty members who are teaching course sections to ensure timely submission of assignments and posting of assignment grades and final grades. Faculty are encouraged to use tracking tools available in Blackboard such as Retention Center and Weighted Grade options.

For questions regarding Blackboard resources, please contact the Learning Technologies Office at nrsonline@umaryland.edu

For questions regarding the extension of the drop/withdrawal deadline, please contact the Office of Registration and Clinical Placements at nrsregistration@umaryland.edu

For questions regarding the MTW templates, please contact the Office of the Academic Deans at nrsacademicdeans@umaryland.edu

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