New Funding Available for Nursing Students Impacted by COVID-19
June 16, 2020

Administered by the Foundation for Academic Nursing, the COVID-19 Nursing Student Support Fund provides relief to nursing students nationwide in need of financial assistance to complete their nursing programs and/or meet life expenses.
In addition to the 24 donations from individuals and organizations to support this fund which was created by Darlene Curey, the Foundation is grateful to these generous contributors to the student fund: the Morton K. and Jane Blaustein Foundation ($25,000); Jonas Nursing and Veterans Healthcare ($10,000); and the University of Memphis Foundation ($3,000). With an additional $47,500 in funding available, 95 awards in the amount of $500 will be made directly to nursing students, with the goal of funding students in every state.
Apply Here
Applications Due: June 30, 2020.