New IT Application Trainings Available
January 05, 2022

New year, new trainings! Be sure to visit our Training Database to check out all available training dates for various applications such as: Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Forms, Webex, and even IT orientation for new employees!
NOTE: Once you are in the Training Database, please be sure to choose the appropriate “Course Type” to pull up all available session dates for the training of your choice.
Please see below for the list of trainings and which Course Type they fall under:
Course Type: IT Orientation
- UMB IT Resources for New Employees
Course Type: Office 365/SharePoint
- Office 365 Overview
- Office 365 Q&A Session
- SharePoint Collaboration, Teams & Communication Sites
- Microsoft Teams
- Microsoft Teams Q&A Session
- Microsoft Forms
- Microsoft OneNote
- Microsoft Planner
Course Type: Virtual Meeting Tools