Center of Excellence on LGBTQ+ Behavioral Health Equity

Hidden from Happiness: The Epidemic of Sexual Minority Depression and the Science of the Closet

All sexual minorities experience the closet — a period in which they recognize their sexual identity but have not disclosed it to significant others — and the majority of the world’s sexual minority population is likely closeted. This talk positions the closet as a central experience of sexual minority development that can exert a powerful and potentially lasting impact on mental health. The talk will present a developmental model of the closet’s influence on mental health, delineating the structural influences that shape one’s experience of the closet; the stressors that take place after one has become aware of their sexual orientation but not yet disclosed it, which often takes place during the developmentally sensitive period of adolescence; and potential lifespan-persistent mental health effects of the closet, even among those who do ultimately come out. The talk will conclude with a discussion on implications for structural and clinical interventions.  


John Pachankis (he/him)

Christopher Bellonci (he/him)

For more information and registration for the webinar at 1:30 p.m. Oct. 20, visit

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