Nominations are now open for two full-time staff members to serve for two-year terms as elected representatives to the Governance Council.  The Governance Council serves as an important vehicle for shared governance within the School of Nursing, with the following responsibilities:

(1)    Advisory to the Dean on budget (e.g. new programs/initiatives), policies for faculty/staff/administration, administrative organizational structure as well as the mechanism for facilitating shared governance, and major space allocation

(2)    Approves and monitors School’s evaluation plan

(3)    Approves and monitors School’s strategic plan

In addition to these two staff representatives, the Chair and Chair-Elect of the Staff Council also serve on the Governance Council.  You may nominate yourself or someone else (with his/her permission) to be placed on the ballot; all those nominated will be placed on the ballot.

 Please send all nominations to Deborah Prout at by Friday, October 8. Nominations must include: name, staff title, location (Shady Grove or Baltimore) and a brief statement of no more than 200 words expressing the reason for your (or your nominee’s) interest in serving on the Governance Council; this information will be included on the ballot. 

The Council generally meets from 9 – 11 a.m. on the first and third Tuesday of the month. Additional information on the work of Governance Council including minutes of past meetings can be found on the Intranet under “Meetings/Governance Council.” 

Students, faculty, and staff, let your voice be heard!
Submit Your Story.