Work in Progress sign with orange cones

The University of Maryland, Baltimore is building a North Electrical Switching Station and Recycling Center at the corner of West Saratoga and Pine streets that is expected to be complete next September.

Work on the site began Monday with the construction management firm, Jeffrey Brown Contracting, installing the site fence, which closes sidewalks on West Saratoga and Pine streets as well as part of the Josephine Alley south of the site. Construction will take place from 6 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. weekdays.

The project includes the demolition of the current Recycling Center at 663 W. Saratoga St.

The first level of the new 15,000-square-foot North Electric Switching Station will house the Recycling Center, and the second level will contain 13kV switchgear to provide redundant electric service from Baltimore Gas & Electric Company to campus.

The project will feature a bioretention vault for stormwater management, skylights in the second-floor corridor for natural lighting, and an outdoor planter wall/screen at the loading dock area. The aboveground steam pipe on the site will be relocated underground.

The 13kV switchgear will be provided in a subsequent phase of the project as well as a 2 MW natural gas-fired generator. A new switchgear automation system will be installed to coordinate switching operations with the future South Electrical Switching Station and backup emergency power to the campus.

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