Podcast: Dr. Devang Patel on Rethinking the Pre-Clerkship Curriculum
May 27, 2021Over the past two years, Devang Patel, MD, director of pre-clerkship curriculum in the Office of Medical Education, University of Maryland School of Medicine, and his colleagues have completely revamped the first two years of medical school into what’s now called the Renaissance Curriculum.
This was a massive undertaking, an opportunity to rethink the sequence of the content and the methods to deliver it. This new curriculum launched in August 2020, in the middle of the pandemic.
Patel will share with listeners the reasons for this curriculum redesign and some lessons he’s learned during its implementation.
"Moving the Needle," a podcast produced by the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning, delivers frank conversations with instructors, learners, leaders, and creators about all things teaching and learning.
Join the conversation at www.umaryland.edu/fctl/programs/needle/ or subscribe on Apple Podcasts at https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/moving-the-needle/id1542674669.