The External Medicine Podcast

In this interviewMitch Belkin and Daniel Belkin speak with Brown University economics Professor Emily Oster about the studies behind breastfeeding recommendations, the dramatic increase in the U.S. C-section delivery rate over the last half-century, and how she approaches analyzing studies. 

Who is Emily Oster?

Emily Oster is the Royce Family Professor of Teaching Excellence and Professor of Economics at Brown University, where she studies health, behavioral, and development economics. She received her PhD from Harvard University and taught at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. She is the author of three popular books on pregnancy and parenting: Expecting BetterCribsheet, and The Family Firm

What is 'The External Medicine Podcast'?

"The External Medicine Podcast" explores nontraditional ideas and innovation through longform interviews. Co-hosts Mitch Belkin and Daniel Belkin are medical students and brothers with diverse interests. Mitch, a former Fulbright scholar, and Daniel, a former filmmaker, examine new ideas and innovation on the outskirts of medicine.

Available on Apple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts, and Spotify.

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