Proud to Work Here, Proud to Give Here Campaign Receives $2.9 Million
July 29, 2020

The Proud to Work Here, Proud to Give Here campaign has received $2.9 million in gifts and pledge payments.
The campaign is a Universitywide awareness and fundraising effort that invites faculty and staff to show their pride with a gift to the UMB school, scholarship, program, fund, or cause that matters most to them. The second year has been record-breaking in several categories.
The campaign has seen 15 percent employee participation, a 50 percent increase from the previous fiscal year.
For fiscal year 2020, the campaign had 1,020 donors, including 361 new donors. The top three funds for new donors were Food for Our Front Lines, Student Emergency Funds, and the Community Engagement Center Sustaining Fund.
Read more about the campaign in the July-August President’s Message.