Summer Institute in Nursing Informatics (SINI): Call for Abstracts
January 07, 2021

SINI 2021 invites you to submit your abstracts on topics related to the changing landscape of Health Informatics. To be held July 15 - 16, this will be SINI’s 30th anniversary celebration and its first virtual conference!
Join us for sharing of current topics from health care informatics constituents, including tracks on patient engagement, artificial intelligence, and preparing a ready HIT Workforce. We look forward to accepting your abstracts with the latest real-world topics our Healthcare professionals are facing in these unique times.
Track A: Fostering Patient Engagement in Health IT, During and After COVID-19
Track B: Leading Hi-TECH with Hi-TOUCH
Track C: Ensuring a HealthIT Competent Workforce
Deadline: Sunday, Feb. 7
For additional information email