Share Your Feedback and Participate in Design Testing of Docu-Care
November 01, 2021

Calling all students, faculty, and clinical instructors using Docu-Care: Wolters Kluwer (WK), the publisher for Docu-Care, our academic Electronic Health Record (EHR), is working on improving the product through additional user testing for the DocuCare UX refresh. WK will be doing two rounds of user testing with different wireframes and would love some critical feedback (good, bad, indifferent).
This is a wonderful opportunity for everyone to provide feedback and help impact future versions of the Docu-Care product. WK will provide an honorarium of a $50 Amazon Gift Card for each individual participating in this activity.
Complete the Survey
If you have any questions regarding this opportunity, please reach out to Amy Daniels, Director, Debra L. Spunt Clinical Simulation Labs Baltimore Campus.