UMSON Information and Learning Technology is pleased to offer regular tips about how best to use the technology tools available to you.
An email signature is a block of text that is appended to the end of an email message to provide information about you and the School.
All UMSON Employees should have a signature block with the following specifications:
i.    Calibri font, 11-point, black with no bold
ii.    Template format
Name and credentials
University of Maryland School of Nursing
655 W. Lombard St., Suite ___
Baltimore, MD 21201
410-706-____ (office)
__________________ (cell) – if you wish to include
__________________ (fax) – if you wish to include
Email address
Learn more about how to create a signature in Outlook. 
Now that you know, learn more about the related UMSON guideline. An updated Guideline for UMSON Employees on Email Etiquette is now available on the intranet in the Information Technology category.

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