Nov. 29: Employee Professional Development - Together We Act
November 03, 2021

Register now for this special employee professional development event: In UniSON: Together We Act.
As we work to build an organization committed to anti-oppression, we need every voice. All staff and faculty are invited to join, in community, to explore how we act, individually and organizationally, to the work of anti-oppression.
Special guest Nikki Akparewa, RN, MPH ,of Transform Nursing will introduce the concept of anti-oppression and its connection to ending health inequities.
This special event will include small, facilitated breakout sessions to allow for sharing, listening, and greater understanding. Sessions will be held virtually.
Monday, Nov. 29
Morning Session, 10 a.m. - noon
Monday, Nov. 29
Afternoon Session, 1:30 - 3:30 p.m.