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As University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) in-person activities increase, many students, faculty, and staff want in-person engagement opportunities. Since there is a high percentage rate among UMB faculty, staff, and students who are vaccinated, hosting in-person events can be conducted safely; however, several considerations must be taken in to account to achieve this goal.

Events that adhere to UMB health safety requirements (informed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the University System of Maryland, local, and state guidance) can occur on or off campus without needing special approval. Dean or vice president approval is needed for events that exceed established criteria. Faculty and staff should consult their dean or VP’s office to learn of any additional considerations. School-based student organizations should speak with their student affairs deans to learn about additional requirements. Campus-based student organizations can contact UMB Student Affairs.

In addition to guidelines outlined in the UMB Return to Campus Guide, including the UMB COVID-19 Vaccination Protocols and the UMB Policy Requiring Use of Face Coverings, please consult the UMB COVID-19 Guidance on Events, Eating, and Drinking for more information.