UMSON Center for Health Outcomes Research Is Now Center for Health Equity and Outcomes Research
September 17, 2021Acknowledging the critical importance of improving health equity to ensure a fair opportunity for optimal health for all individuals, the Center for Health Outcomes Research has modified its name, vision, and mission.
The work of the new Center for Health Equity and Outcomes Research (CHEOR) will be well aligned with national nursing priorities included in the National Academy of Medicine/Robert Wood Johnson Foundation report The Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity, the research priorities of the National Institutes of Health and other federal agencies, and the strategic priorities of the University of Maryland, Baltimore and of the School of Nursing.
We are excited about these changes, as many active center members focus their research on health equity and anticipate that the center will be a hub for enhanced global and local collaboration.
The updated mission and vision are included on the center's webpage.