The University of Maryland School of Nursing is seeking faculty who are interested in serving as our representatives to the following UMMC and UMMS Councils. Please send Dean Kirschling an email indicating your interest no later than Tuesday, June 30.

UMMC Staff Nurse Council (meets second Friday of month, 10 a.m. - noon)

The Staff Nurse Council (SNC) is charged with identifying and implementing strategies to improve patient safety and overall quality of care in collaboration with the senior vice president and chief nursing officer. The SNC aims to create and sustain a culture of staff engagement. Additional topics addressed pertain to professional nursing practice and the relationship with nursing support services.

UMMS Clinical Education and Professional Development Council (fourth Friday of month, noon - 4 p.m.)

Nursing Professional Development (NPD) is a specialized nursing practice that facilitates the professional role development and growth of nurses and other health care personnel along the continuum of novice to expert (Benner, 1984). Functioning in the intertwined roles of change agent, mentor, facilitator of learning, leader, champion of scientific inquiry, partner for practice transitions, the NPD practitioner draws on adult learning theories, experience, knowledge, and evidence-based practice to transform education.

Students, faculty, and staff, let your voice be heard!
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