What Does the Maryland Charity Campaign Mean to You?
November 20, 2019

“I strongly recommend participation in the Maryland Charity Campaign. This is a fantastic way to give back to our communities and causes in which we believe. The MCC offers an easy and efficient way to select the focus of our charitable giving. As with all philanthropy, it always feels good to give back. Do it!”
Tony Lehman, MD, MSPH, professor, School of Medicine, and MCC co-chair for UMB
The University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) has a long and generous history of participating in the Maryland Charity Campaign, a workplace giving program that encourages state employees to make charitable donations in support of the causes they care about. Our theme this year is “Strengthening Our Community.”
To view a list of participating charities and pledge your support through the MCC, please visit mcc.maryland.gov
Learn more about MCC at UMB