What Welcome Way Means to Me...

“Several years ago, at a departmental luncheon where Dr. Jay Perman was the guest speaker, he shared his story about how he was able to attend medical school only because of a scholarship. Dr. Perman also shared his passion for our West Baltimore neighbors and how we needed, as an anchor institution, to support them. Since that luncheon, I have been inspired to give back with all of my giving to UMB being directed to community programs. My inscription for my brick is: DREAM IT. BELIEVE IT. BUILD IT. My hope is that someone sees it and is inspired to make their dream a reality.”

Keith Saby, IT Developer, Center for Information Technology Services

When complete, the UMB Community Engagement Center’s Welcome Way will serve as a permanent greeting to those who visit and benefit from the CEC each day. 

Bricks and pavers are still available for purchase!

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