A number of upgrades have recently been implemented to Digital Measures.

Faculty Goals Reporting Process:

Goal responses have been changed from yes/no to:

  • Goal Exceeded
  • Goal Met
  • Goal Partially Met
  • Goal Not Met

Faculty Profiles on the Web Directory:

  1. Publications are now listed in APA citation style.
  2. Links to individual Publications can be added using Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs).
  3. You may now add a link to a full list of your published work (e.g., PubMed link).

To see a live example, you can view Luana Colloca’s profile.

Additionally, a prior bug that incorrectly attributed roles in the Contracts, Fellowships, Grants, and Sponsored Research section has been resolved.

We ask that you please carefully review the Publications and Contracts, Fellowships, Grants, and Sponsored Research sections of your profile and make any appropriate changes via Digital Measures.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Ray Stolle and Libby Zay

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