Help Rename UMB Digital Archive

The Health Sciences and Human Services Library is looking for something unique, such as a single word or phrase. The successful entry will be announced July 1.

The UMB Digital Archive launched over 10 years ago. Its mission initially was to collect, preserve, and share the history of the University. However, it has also become a place for scholarly communication, providing access to content such as dissertations, open-access articles by UMB authors, conference presentations, academic posters, and more.

As the archive grows and includes more diverse resources, it is becoming a platform for contemporary scholarly sharing. It needs a new name to reflect both the history and scholarship components.

We are looking for something unique. It could be a single word or phrase. Here are some examples of repository names: DRUM, Digital Repository at the University of Maryland (College Park), and DASH, Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard).

Put on your thinking cap and send us your suggestions via email.   

The successful entry will be announced July 1, 2022.

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