Free Online Micro-Courses and Digital Badges from The Learning Institute
January 09, 2023
Gregory A. Brightbill

UMB students, staff, and faculty can enroll in free online micro-courses to earn digital badges and micro-credentials.
What is The Learning Institute?
The Learning Institute provides students, staff, and faculty at UMB access to a selection of free-to-participate micro-courses. Upon completing a micro-course, individuals are awarded a free micro-credential and digital badge, which can be shared and displayed on a resume, CV, email signature, and/or LinkedIn profile. Each micro-course within The Learning Institute catalog was designed to showcase unique professional achievements, soft-skills development, extracurricular course completion, and non-academic certifications. Micro-courses are collaboratively sourced from various offices and departments at UMB, utilizing existing programs and initiatives geared toward the betterment and education of UMB staff, students, and faculty. Micro-courses are available in various formats to fit any schedule and can be completed online and self-paced.
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Available Micro-Courses
Do you want to chat with a counselor about stress and anxiety management in an informal setting? Or maybe be more consistent with coping skills for difficult situations? This series of sessions will focus on providing information that will increase a student's ability to understand the nature of stress, learn about strategies for managing stress, and evaluate their personal stress level. The Student Counseling Center offers virtual and in-person psycho-educational three-part educational workshop. The series is made of a weekly, one-hour skill-based session over a three-week period. This workshop is most helpful for students who are new to anxiety management. Participants receive a workbook to keep with additional exercises and information. This training is offered by the UMB Counseling Center.
The Business Basics micro-course provides an introductory overview of key business concepts for individuals looking to explore starting a small business. This course will expose learners to basic business terminology; business plans and proposals; legal business structures (examples: sole proprietorship, LLC, partnerships, and corporations); simple bookkeeping, accounting, and financial management systems; and a general overview of small business taxation and reporting. This course is offered in partnership between the Graduate Research Innovation District (GRID) and UMB Student Affairs.
CPR/AED Micro-Course
By completing this in-person micro-course and training, learn how to save lives through Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) or an Automated External Defibrillator (AED). CPR and AED training is offered by the Office of Environmental Health Services (EHS).
The Career Readiness micro-course provides a cohort-based opportunity to learn the essentials of career development such as resume and cover letter writing, virtual and in-person interviewing, LinkedIn and digital branding, and professional networking. This eight-week micro-course will see individuals expand their career opportunities through applied learning, mock interviews, resume and cover letter critiques, and career tips and tricks provided by UMB’s leadership.
Learn how to respond in an active shooter event by completing the Civilian Response to Active Shooter Event (CRASE) Training. CRASE teaches survival techniques for an active shooter scenario, including what to expect when the police arrive. CRASE training is offered by the UMB Police Department.
Learn about the
Emergency Preparedness Checklist PDF and how to identify evacuation routes, where to seek shelter, nearby emergency equipment, and more. This micro-course is provided by the Office of Emergency Management.
Attendees learn about the science of fire, the different types of fires and fire extinguishers, and how to properly use a fire extinguisher. This training is offered by the UMB Fire Marshal.
Naloxone Training Micro-Course
Virtual Naloxone training is led by the Maryland Department of Health Overdose Response Program and will cover the current statistics for overdose fatalities in the state of Maryland, what is naloxone and how to administer this life-saving medication, the eight signs and symptoms of an opioid overdose, the five key steps to respond to an opioid overdose, information on the Good Samaritan Law, and how to get naloxone in your community. Individuals who participate in the training will be eligible to receive a NARCAN kit. This training is offered by UrecFIT and Wellness.
Principles of Leadership Micro-Course
This micro-course sees participants learning about leadership's theoretical and ethical foundations from UMB's senior leaders, such as President Bruce Jarrell, MD, FACS, Patty Alvarez, PhD, Diane Forbes Berthoud, PhD, and Bill Joyner, JD, MSW. In this course, participants will learn about leadership principles and philosophy, DEI-infused leadership, strategy and change management, and servant leadership.
Public Speaking Micro-Course
Focusing on the four components of public speaking — speech writing, articulation, body language, and applied practice — this micro-course is designed to provide participants with both the knowledge to be strong public speakers and an opportunity to record themselves, practice, and receive positive feedback from a cohort of fellow learners.
Red Folder Training Micro-Course
Learn how to be a mental health first responder by completing this in-person and/or Zoom-based training. Participants will learn how to assist students who may be experiencing mental health issues. Led by Dr. Jenna Silverman, of the UMB Student Counseling Center, you will be introduced to a practical tool called the “Assisting Students in Distress Folder.” This folder serves as a quick reference guide that helps identify common signs of student distress and directs the UMB community through campus protocol to clarify whom they should contact in the event of an emergency. The folder also provides tips for approaching a student who may be in distress and resources on and off campus. Ultimately, the Red Folder will prepare the UMB community to recognize symptoms, respond to students, and refer them for therapy or other immediate help. This training is offered by the UMB Counseling Center.
Safe Space Online Micro-Course
Safe Space Online brings UMB’s traditional LGBTQ+ Safe Space program to the virtual world, allowing participants to build their LGBTQ+ allyship skills, engage with a cohort of online peers, and learn about LGBTQ+ identities, activism, support, and inclusive best practices, all from the comfort of their home or office, at any time or any day.
Stop the Bleed Micro-Course
Knowing how to control bleeding from a serious injury is important knowledge for everyone to have. This simple training can be taken in person or online and can help you know how to save a life. This training is offered by the Office of Environmental Health Services (EHS).