Partnership in Israel

The University of Maryland School of Social Work, University of Haifa, and Yezreel Valley College celebrate a decade of collaboration.

In a remarkable milestone, the University of Maryland School of Social Work (UMSSW), the University of Haifa (UH), and Yezreel Valley College (YVC) in rural Northern Israel commemorated the 10th anniversary of their groundbreaking partnership.

This collaboration has seamlessly integrated Yezreel Valley College into the fold, forging a co-equal binational, interprofessional alliance aimed at addressing social (in)justices in mixed and divided communities. Together, they have been instrumental in fostering greater understanding and cooperation among helping professionals to tackle these challenges head-on. As the world faces the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic, political upheaval, and climate challenges, the partnership has proven increasingly relevant, guiding professions in acknowledging and responding to both new and longstanding inequities.

At the forefront of this longstanding partnership are University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) faculty members Corey Shdaimah, LLM, PhD, the Daniel Thursz Distinguished Professor of Social Justice, UMSSW, and Susan Leviton, JD, Professor Emeritus at the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law along with YVC faculty and UH Fellow Dassi Postan-Aizik, MSW, PhD. Their leadership has been instrumental in the partnership's success and growing impact.

"UMB and YVC serve resilient communities faced with challenges such as inequitable distribution of resources, environmental injustices, and lack of affordable housing. Cross-national learning expands our repertoire of approaches to meet these challenges. It also draws attention to what we may no longer notice," Shdaimah said. “Bringing students and faculty from diverse backgrounds into dialogue about what it means to be a professional who serves with competence and integrity has been transformative.”  

To address the unique challenges of international teaching and research in a post-pandemic era, the partners designed and conducted a virtual interprofessional elective in 2021. Titled "Programming and Policy in the Face of Twin Pandemics: COVID-19 and Racial/Ethnic Inequity," the innovative course used a social justice lens to examine responses to COVID-19 in divided cities.

In June 2023, in-person learning was resumed, with "Social Justice through an International Lens: Environmental Justice, Critical Child Welfare Practice, and LGBTQ+ Advocacy." Eight MSW students and one doctoral student participated in a class held at YVC in the Yizreel Valley region of Israel. By employing engaged teaching methods and simultaneous interpretation, the course enhanced student access and active participation. Language and cultural dynamics and their role in fostering inclusion emerged as significant factors that influence not only service delivery but professional education, socialization, and collaboration.

In addition to their impactful teaching efforts, the partners continue to actively engage in campus-wide collaborations and international dissemination activities. Their commitment to knowledge exchange was exemplified by their participation in UMB's first annual Global Health Summit.

Moreover, Shdaimah's tenure as a 2020-21 UMB GLOBALtimore Fellow provided opportunities to share valuable insights and experiences with colleagues from various UMB schools. Postan-Aizik's visit to UMB in 2021 further solidified future student engagement plans. During this visit, the partnership team met with UMB Provost Roger Ward, EdD, JD, MSL, MPA; the Center for Global Engagement; and School of Social Work Dean Judy L. Postmus, PhD, ACSW, to explore the expansion of the partnership within the School of Social Work and the Graduate School.

Researching How Diverse Communities Collaborate to Promote Shared Social Justice Goals

Undeterred by challenges, the partnership team continues to work on the research study "Organizing in Diverse Community." This study relied on observations and interviews conducted by partners and UMB students with 39 Baltimore housing equity activists. By examining how diverse communities collaborate to promote shared social justice goals, the study aims to inform future strategies for positive change.

Postan-Aizik also showcased the accomplishments of the partnership at two prestigious juried conferences: the Society for Social Work Research in 2021 and the European Society for Social Work Research in the same year.

Looking ahead, the partners have plans on the horizon, including the reciprocal visit of a YVC student on UMB's campus in April 2024, further deepening the collaboration.

For those interested in learning more about this transformative partnership, the Haifa Israel Project and the UMB Center for Global Engagement offer valuable resources. Research works such as Postan-Aizik, Shdaimah, and Strier's "Positioning Social Justice: Reclaiming Social Work's Organizing Value" and Shdaimah et al.'s "Exploring Social Justice" are essential readings for anyone passionate about driving meaningful change and promoting social justice. 

As UMB, UH, and YVC celebrate a decade of impactful collaboration, they remain steadfast in their commitment to fostering a brighter and more equitable future for community-university partnerships and training of professionals as community allies around the world.

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