Alisha Neha Karley-De Franco is hooded at UMSOD Convocation

A sense of accomplishment, gratitude, and a commitment to compassionate patient care filled the air at the School of Dentistry’s Honors Convocation on May 17.

Photo: Alisha Neha Karley-De Franco is hooded at the UMSOD Convocation.

A sense of accomplishment, gratitude, and a commitment to compassionate patient care filled the air at the University of Maryland School of Dentistry's (UMSOD) Honors Convocation on May 17. Held at the Hippodrome Theatre, the ceremony celebrated the hard work and dedication of the newest class of dental and dental hygiene graduates.

With the notes of “Pomp and Circumstance” filling the room, family and friends clutched colorful bouquets as they craned their necks trying to catch a glimpse of their graduate processing down the aisle robed in the lilac and black academic regalia of the dental profession.

University of Maryland, Baltimore President Bruce E. Jarrell, MD, FACS, conferred the degrees and praised the graduates' accomplishments. “I know you are each very proud of each other, and the faculty and staff are very proud of you,” Jarrell said. “But there’s a whole lot of other people in this room that are even more proud of your accomplishments,” he said, motioning to the packed theater.

Samantha Vernet beamed while extolling her cousin Laurie France, who was one of four graduates to complete the Clinical Dental Hygiene Leader dual BS/MS degree.

“It’s been a testament of her perseverance and endurance,” Vernet said. “There were some tough times and some good times, so seeing her being able to finish is really awesome.”

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