Headshot of Victoria Meadows

“The skills learned during my time in the UMBrella Coaching Program have enhanced my abilities as an individual, as a mentor, as a UMB colleague, and as a leader at UMB,” says Victoria Meadows, MS.

“The UMBrella Coaching Program has been a welcomed blessing during this time in my career. Over the course of the past eight months, I have undergone a lot of change personally and professionally. Within the coaching meetings, the ladies that I was surrounded by were a great support and comfort, led by our amazing coach, Niya Werts, PhD, MIS, MS, EHS, LMT, Graduate Program director, Master of Science in Health Science, University of Maryland Graduate School.

“We all bonded over similar experiences, and it was great to be able to look forward to our monthly meetings. It was a safe space that was created by Niya to be able to discuss the vulnerabilities that we were facing as women and how we can work through them to be the best version of ourselves.

“Beyond our monthly meetings, the monthly programming within the UMBrella Coaching Program was exceptional. They were relevant topics that were engaging and insightful, and I was able to put them into practice as I was learning. The empowerment that was fostered and very much encouraged within the program is something that I am going to carry with me during my career at UMB and beyond. The skills learned during my time in the UMBrella Coaching Program have enhanced my abilities as an individual, as a mentor, as a UMB colleague, and as a leader at UMB. I am proud to count myself as an alumnus of the UMBrella Coaching Program and look forward to being a part of a community that fosters the success of women!” 

— Victoria Meadows, MS, manager, Enterprise Risk Management Program, Office of the Provost, and Cohort 6 participant

Learn more about the program here: umaryland.edu/umbrella/umbrella-coaching-program

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