Megan Blackwell

“This program allowed me to grow professionally ... and allowed me to learn and grow as a human being, as a woman, and as an ally for other women in all walks of life!” says Megan Blackwell.

“When the opportunity to apply for the UMBrella Coaching Program presented itself, less than one year in to my employment at UMB, I was rather unsure if I should apply. With great trepidation, and the full support of my supervisor and other faculty members, I submitted my application. I was pleasantly surprised when I received notification that I was accepted!

“Looking back now, I guess I was dealing with a bit of ‘imposter syndrome’ at the time, and honestly, I still do a bit from time to time. Unsure of what was to come, questions swam around in my head: How will this program work? How will it benefit me? How will I connect with my professional peers and the coaches? I opened my mind to the possibility of growth and learning, and it was one of the best decisions I could have made.

“I was so fortunate to have been placed with my coaches: Jenny Owens, ScD, MS, vice provost of academic affairs and strategic initiatives, UMB and Thelma B. Wright, MD, JD, MBA, associate professor, Department of Anesthesiology, School of Medicine. They complemented each other in their approaches to the meetings, how they guided our group, and how they interacted with each other. They were our coaches and they lead the meetings, but they presented themselves as our peers in all ways that counted. They opened dialogues and shared personal stories of successes, failures, and lessons learned in such a way that enabled me to feel comfortable opening up. I was able to discuss my own successes and failures and learned lessons without feeling judged or less than.

“This experience presented me with the best opportunity to meet some amazing, strong, and professional women who taught me through their experiences as well. The program offered different events, panels, etc., which provided such a variety of information that I have been able to process and use in my professional life as well as my personal life.

“As women, we look at things a bit differently and we are so hard on ourselves, and oftentimes on other women. This program allowed me to see and understand what other women are facing in their professional lives, some similar to my experiences, and some I will never have to experience, but now can recognize and acknowledge.

“Thank you to the amazing intersectionality panel for opening my eyes and my mind to information that I had not stopped long enough to dissect and understand because it just didn’t occur to me. I suppose when you do not have to deal with a problem yourself, we as humans tend to put it in the back of our minds, but this program makes you pull it out, think about it, address it, and learn from those around you

“This program allowed me to grow professionally, but, most importantly, it allowed me to learn and grow as a human being, as a woman, and as an ally for other women in all walks of life! Thank you, Jenny and Thelma, you were both amazing coaches!”

Megan Blackwell, Program Administrative Specialist, School of Dentistry, and Cohort 6 participant

Learn more about the program here:

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