A close-up of a computer circuit board with a central black AI processor chip labeled

Take the survey to support the fellows in developing meaningful and actionable recommendations to guide University leadership in navigating the complexities of AI usage and integration.

Several months into their investigation of generative artificial intelligence’s (GenAI) benefits and pitfalls for teaching and learning, this year's President’s Fellows are knee deep into analyzing interviews with stakeholders across the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB). As part of the 2025 President's Symposium and White Paper Project, the eight fellows from across UMB’s seven schools have consulted with UMB leadership and participated in a symposium last month where four faculty members from four UMB schools shared their views on and experiences with GenAI in their teaching and research.

A symposium March 11 features a hybrid lecture on “AI & the New Frontiers of Digital Blackface” by Chaz P. Arnett, JD, professor of law, University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law. Arnett explores how GenAI platforms are being used to produce racially charged and derogatory imagery. The practice raises several critical questions about racial biases, data privacy, and the limitations of legal reform. These questions also provide an opportunity to examine the ethical and justice-oriented concerns presented with adopting and investing in AI within academic institutions and beyond.

The 2025 President's Fellows are Devina Chatterjee, MD student, University of Maryland School of Medicine (UMSOM); Raina Crew, MSW student, University of Maryland School of Social Work; Onyemauchechukwu Ijezie, PharmD student, University of Maryland School of Pharmacy; Margaret Kim, DDS student, University of Maryland School of Dentistry; Andrew Nguyen, MD student, UMSOM; Oreoluwa Olaniyan, BSN student, University of Maryland School of Nursing; David Robertson, PhD student, University of Maryland School of Graduate Studies; and Dorothy Veron, Maryland Carey Law.

They are guided by Intercultural Leadership and Engagement and their faculty advisor, Isabell May, PhD, associate professor, University of Maryland School of Graduate Studies, and director, UMB Writing Center.

As part of their exploration of how GenAI impacts communities at UMB, the fellows have issued a survey for students, faculty, and staff, including postdoctoral fellows. Hearing from community members across all seven schools, central administrations, and other affiliated departments and programs will support the fellows in developing meaningful and actionable recommendations to guide University leadership in navigating the complexities of AI usage and integration across the educational and research-driven landscape at UMB.

The short survey is accessible on the program’s webpage and will be live from Monday, March 10, to Sunday, March 23, 2025. It is a critical opportunity to hear from UMB students, faculty, and staff, including postdoctoral fellows, about their experiences with and attitudes toward GenAI as well as their thoughts on the various roles that GenAI will play in higher education and across the professional fields that UMB serves.

Students, faculty, and staff, let your voice be heard!
Submit Your Story.