Miranda Young outside HSHSL

Custodial tech I praised for her hard work to keep the first floor of the Health Sciences and Human Services Library clean and comfortable for students and employees.

The next time you walk into the University of Maryland, Baltimore’s (UMB) Health Sciences and Human Services Library (HSHSL) and notice the first floor’s cleanliness, you can thank Miranda Young, Environmental Services (EVS) custodial tech I.

Young, who has worked at the University for more than 20 years, was surprised by President Bruce E. Jarrell, MD, FACS, on July 16 during a Webex videoconference with the news that she was UMB’s July Employee of the Month. Jarrell was joined by numerous members of the EVS team who celebrated Young and her accomplishments.

“Miranda works primarily on the first floor of the library, a heavily trafficked area and a prime destination for students and other users,” said Denise Meyer, EVS associate director. “Miranda has an outstanding work ethic. She is committed to keeping all the elements of the first floor clean and germ-free — from the computer area, to tables, comfort seating, and upholstered study pods.”

In surprising Young with the honor, Jarrell said the first floor of the library is his favorite space at the University and joked that M.J. Tooey, MLS, AHIP, FMLA, executive director of HSHSL, won’t let just anyone touch it. “You’re an honored person to be able to take care of it,” he told Young.

Tooey added, “Thank you so much for everything you do. You find problems and take care of them, and you are a joy to work with.”

During COVID-19, Young worked at the University of Maryland School of Dentistry building while HSHSL was closed and returned to the library in July 2020.

“It was quiet,” Young said about the early months of the pandemic. “I missed my co-workers because we didn’t get to see a lot of each other. It made me more aware of keeping things wiped down more than usual, trying to keep the germs down. I wanted to do everything I could to keep the library clean and sanitized.”

Meyer said Young, who was also named EVS Employee of the Month in April,  has risen to the challenges brought by the pandemic.

“Since Sept. 14, 2020, the library building has been open for study only on floors 1 and 2, which makes Miranda’s responsibility and her strong commitment to excellence all the more important,” Meyer said. “COVID-19 has certainly raised the standard for cleaning and disinfecting, and Miranda takes these duties seriously.”

She said staff and students appreciate Young’s hard work every day.

“Since Day 1, we have admired her commitment to the HSHSL and to keeping the first floor looking absolutely beautiful,” Meyer said.

Young, who said her favorite part of her job is meeting students, misses having more people on campus and is looking forward to the fall when more students and employees return to UMB.

“I enjoy making people smile, greeting them,” she said. “And I can look and tell if everyone is comfortable in the areas in which they choose to sit and study or do their work.”

Her co-workers joked that they’d like to clone Young, whose cheerful nature they praised. They commented on her positive attitude, passion for her job, and strong work ethic.

“She's a fireball of energy. She just bounces around and has so much fun while she’s working,” said her former supervisor, Ernest Bell, EVS senior manager.

Meyer added: “You are an amazing person, your skills obviously speak for themselves, but as a person you truly exemplify the core values of the University. And I am absolutely excited to see where you go.”

Young called winning the Employee of the Month award exciting.

“It is just a real happy thing for me,” she said. “And it tells me I am doing a great job. I hear it verbally, but to be nominated for something and get it? That was a big surprise. It’s something I’ve never had before. It’s a big change.”

She praised her previous supervisor as well as her current one.

“Ernie really put me in another direction,” she said. “He showed me that I had a whole lot more in me, and I really appreciate what he gave me, teaching me and showing me different things.”

She added that Lakia Major, EVS manager and her supervisor at HSHSL, was aware of her work ethic before she became her supervisor.

“She knew that when I come in here, she doesn’t have to worry about me. I come in to do a job and not half do it,” Young said. “I want to do a good job because I feel like it represents me, it says something about me if you come in and see how clean it is.”

As Employee of the Month, Young will receive a plaque, a letter of commendation, and an extra $250 in her next paycheck.

Jarrell ended the surprise announcement by discussing the opportunities that await Young at UMB.

“We look forward to your continued growth at UMB and to advancing through the ranks,” he said, adding, “I would say that for all of you watching at EVS: We want to make a future for you here.”


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