President's Message-December

This month’s newsletter features President Jarrell’s column on UMB’s grants and contracts plus stories on speaker series guests, contact tracing, interprofessional seed grants, and more.

In the December issue of The President’s Message, you’ll find:

  • President Jarrell’s column on UMB’s record-breaking year in grant and contract awards.
  • Virtual  events featuring Michael Steele and Ann Compton shed light on election, politics, and presidents.
  • Contact tracing at UMB: How it  works and how you can help.
  • UMB releases second edition of CATALYST magazine.
  • Dr. Alash’le Abimiku of the Institute for Human Virology, Nigeria promotes health literacy in her homeland.
  • Collaboration is the main ingredient in interprofessional seed grant symposium.
  • School of Nursing wins award for diversity for third year in a row.
  • Roundup of student, faculty, and staff achievements.

Read the newsletter online and browse its back issues here.

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