Read the May 2019 ‘President’s Message’
May 01, 2019
Chris Zang

This month’s newsletter features Dr. Perman’s column on students’ global and entrepreneurial experiences, a look back at the Employee Service Awards Luncheon, and much more.
Check out the May issue of The President's Message. It includes:
- Dr. Perman’s column on students’ global and entrepreneurial experiences
- A look ahead to Dr. Perman’s State of the University Address and commencement
- Longtime and award-winning employees honored
- IPE Day attracts 240 students
- Former White House social secretary promotes civility
- Exhibit features the art of First Lady Yumi Hogan
- Students discuss results of the campus climate survey on diversity
- Emergency Management revisits its first year
- Roundup of student, faculty, and staff achievements
Back issues of the newsletter can be found at the link below.
Newsletter Archives