The HS/HSL Wants Your Pandemic Stories
October 19, 2020
Emily Gorman

The library is collecting stories from the pandemic to preserve a record of UMB’s collective experience for posterity and future research. Submit your story to be a part of this historic project.
The HS/HSL is collecting stories from the pandemic to preserve a record of UMB's collective experience for posterity and future research. Since the project's launch over the summer, there have been five submissions of artwork and written reflections to the archive. The library is hoping for more submissions to capture the breadth of the UMB community's experiences during this historical event. Learn more and see the previous submissions.
(Image: Fragile by Kathy Strauss, University of Maryland School of Medicine. Fragile is a monotype of a spine with an inked figure with red embroidery, done on mulberry paper.)