Face to Face with Dr. Jarrell

UMB’s interim president discusses COVID-19 pandemic issues and vaccine development with two infectious disease experts from the School of Medicine’s Center for Vaccine Development and Global Health.

Virtual Face to Face with Dr. Bruce Jarrell is a new weekly virtual interview program that serves as a forum for University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) Interim President Bruce E. Jarrell, MD, FACS, to explore issues of interest to the UMB community with subject matter experts from UMB, government and health officials, and others.

In the inaugural event, Jarrell was joined via Webex teleconference by two infectious disease experts from the School of Medicine and its Center for Vaccine Development and Global Health: Wilbur Chen, MD, MS, and James Campbell, MD, MS. They discussed issues related to COVID-19 and vaccine development and took questions from the teleconference audience.

Watch the video

For each event, members of the UMB community are invited to watch and listen via Webex. They also will have an opportunity to ask questions directly. The goal of the program is to keep the UMB community informed and connected while highlighting the outstanding work of our faculty and staff.
Watch your email inbox each week for details on the next Face to Face Webex event.
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