Submit an Accolade

A "thank you" screen will appear when your submission has been completed. If you do not see this screen, please scroll up and check the form above for errors.

If you encounter an error which reads, "Your form was not submitted, please contact an administrator or try again later",  please email all of your submission content, including all text, image attachments, and what you would select for each checkbox or radio button on the form, to


Recognize a notable UMB faculty member, staff member, and/or student and their accomplishments.

Accolades on The Elm do not appear in the Elm Weekly universitywide newsletter due to space constraints and an editorial emphasis on forward-looking events, deadlines, and feature-length pieces. However, we welcome your Accolade submissions to highlight everything from general staff accomplishments, both by individuals and teams, to any specific milestones, including journal article authorships, media interviews, grant or scholarship awards, or other work-related successes within or outside of UMB.

If the above doesn't accurately describe your content, please return to the previous step and choose a different option.

Copying & Pasting

If you wish to paste content from another source into the main text field, please use Ctrl+Shift+V (or Command+Shift+V on Mac) to do so. Pasting content with this keyboard shortcut strips out extraneous formatting, which can invisibly sneak its way in alongside the content you have pasted. Failure to do so may result in a delay before your submission can be published.


Images should be approximately 300 pixels in width in JPEG or PNG format. Avoid submitting images that include text, including event flyers or posters, in order to meet ADA web accessibility standards. We reserve the right to edit or reject images that include too much text. We also reserve the right to edit or use alternate images to fit Elm Weekly’s parameters if the submission is earmarked for the weekly email newsletter.

Image Alt Text

Unlike the other types of Elm content, there is no need to enter image lat text for an accolade. The recipient's name will be used as the alt text for whichever image of them you choose to include.

Publication Date

The publication date indicates at what date and time you would like this content to be published on the Elm website. Content must undergo an approval process before it can be published, and so may be published later than the date and time you indicate.

If you wish for your announcement to be included in the next Elm Weekly email newsletter (see below), it must be published on The Elm website by the previous Wednesday.

Elm Weekly

Elm Weekly is emailed to UMB faculty, staff, and students on the first day of the workweek and is packed with short, forward-looking items of interest to the University community. Upcoming events, meetings, surveys, research studies, and more are included as are recent news items deemed of interest by submitters. 

To be eligible for inclusion in the next Elm Weekly email newsletter, your content must have a publication date on The Elm website of no later than the current Wednesday. Not all content on The Elm website will be included in the Elm Weekly email, but any content that you wish to be included in the Elm Weekly email must first be published on The Elm website.

Backup Image

If you choose not to attach an image, or if the submitted image is unsuitable, the backup image you select will be used in Elm Weekly instead. Please choose the option that best suits your submission. Review the backup image options.

Appropriate Content

We do require that all content remain civil and, on behalf of the University, we reserve the right not to publish content that we believe is inappropriate for any reason. Content that may be rejected includes, but is not limited to, material that is defamatory, profane, culturally insensitive, offensive, under copyright, or AI-generated.